Responsible for the content:
Racing community “Altensteiner Oberland eV”
Chairman: Thomas Weih
Herzog Georg Str. 23a
36448 Bad Liebenstein
Phone: 036961-699624
Fa: 036961-699448
Disclaimer and Link Distancing
All information on the website RSG Altensteiner Oberland e. V are created with great care; however, RSG Altensteiner Oberland e. V accepts no liability for the correctness and completeness of this information (including liability towards third parties). RSG Altensteiner Oberland eV V is not liable for damage that arises directly or indirectly from the use of its website, insofar as this is not due to intent or gross negligence RSG Altensteiner Oberland e. V based. The website of RSG Altensteiner Oberland e. V contains links to other websites. Despite careful content control, RSG Altensteiner Oberland e. V accepts no liability for the content of external links and is not responsible for compliance with data protection regulations on these websites. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for the content thereof. Should the content or the presentation of these sites infringe the rights of third parties or statutory provisions, we ask that you send us a corresponding message free of charge. We guarantee that the rightly objected passages will be removed immediately, without you having to involve legal counsel. However, we will fully reject any costs incurred by you without prior contact and, if necessary, file a counterclaim for violation of the aforementioned provisions. Data protection All images and texts on this site have the sole purpose of presenting the association and its activities to the public in a positive way and of offering members a modern and easy-to-use information forum. The contributions are created exclusively by persons close to the association. Password-protected accesses ensure traceability. If you do not agree to the publication of personal information for yourself or your children, we will of course take this into account. In this case, please contact the above email address Content and technical changes are possible at any time and without notice. All rights reserved.